Субглобальные оценки и рабочая группа
Все больше становится ясно, что глобальные изменения окружающей среды
имеют причины и последствия, проявляющиеся на разных масштабах, от
локального до глобального. Таким образом, для принимающих решения лиц
важно иметь точные и информативные оценки происходящих изменений, а
также реалистичный прогноз на будущее. И все же до недавнего времени
международные научные оценки обычно заостряли внимание на глобальных
явлениях, чем на процессах, протекающих на региональном уровне, и на
взаимодействии процессов разных масштабов. Программа ОЭ провела
многомасштабную оценку, состоявшую из взаимосвязанных оценок для разных
масштабов: локального, уровня водосбора, национального, регионального и
Sub-Global Assessments
The MA sub-global assessments were designed to meet needs
of decision-makers at the scale at which they are
undertaken, strengthen the global findings with
on-the-ground reality, and strengthen the local findings
with global perspectives, data, and models. There are 18
MA-approved sub-global assessments, and an additional
fifteen with an associated status. Assessments at sub-global
scales are needed because ecosystems are highly
differentiated in space and time, and because sound
management requires careful local planning and action. Local
assessments alone are insufficient, however, because some
processes are global, and because local goods, services,
matter, and energy are often transferred across regions. The
sub-global assessments will directly meet the needs of
decision-makers at the scale at which they are undertaken,
strengthen the global findings with on-the-ground reality,
and strengthen the local findings with global perspectives,
data, and models.

- British Columbia, Canada
- Integrated Assessment of the Salar de
Atacama, Chile
- Ecosystem Management and Social-Ecological
Resilience in Kristianstads Vattenrike and River
Helgeå catchment
- Stockholm Urban Assessment
- Coastal, Small Island and Coral Reef
Ecosystems in Papua New Guinea
- India Local Ecosystem Assessments: Karnataka
and Maharashtra of Western Ghats
- Ecosystems and People: the Philippines MA
- Aleternatives to Slash-and-Burn (ASB)
Crosscutting Sub-Global Assessment
- Norwegian Millennium Ecosystem Assessment,
Pilot Study
- Integrated Ecosystem Assessment of Western
- Southern African Sub Global Assessment (SAfMA)
- Downstream Mekong River Wetlands Ecosystem
Assessment, Vietnam
- Portugal Millennium Assessment
- Assessment of the Northern Range of
Trinidad, Trinidad & Tobago
- Assessment of the Caribbean Sea (CARSEA)
- Altai-Sayan Ecoregion
- Vilcanota Sub-Region, Peru
- Local Ecosystem Assessment of the Higher and
Middle Chirripo River Sub-Basin. Cabecar
Indigenous Territory of Chirripo, Costa Rica
- Arab Region Millennium Ecosystem Assessment:
Supporting Decision Making for the Sustainable
Use of Ecosystems
- Biodiversity, Local Knowledge, and Poverty
Alleviation: Sinai Sub Global Assessment
- Arafura and Timor Seas Sub Global Assessment
- Indonesia Sub-Global Assessment
- São Paulo City Green Belt Biosphere Reserve
- Ecological Function Assessment of
Biodiversity in the Colombian Andean
Coffee-Growing Region
- Assessment of the Central Asian Mountain
- The Great Asian Mountains Assessment (GAMA)
- The Upstream Region MA of the Great Rivers,
Northwest Yunnan, China
- Fiji Sub-Global Assessment
- Environmental Service Assessment in
Hindu-Kush Himalayas Region – Trade-offs and
- Indian Urban Assessment with focus on
Western Ghats
Assessment report outline
Contents, Foreword, Preface [pdf,
1212 KB]
01. MA Conceptual Framework [pdf,
431 KB]
02. Overview [pdf, 196 KB]
03. Ecosystem Services and Human Well-being
[pdf, 258 KB]
04. Multi-Scale Approach [pdf,
728 KB]
05. Multiple Knowledge Systems
[pdf, 437 KB]
06. Assessment Process [pdf, 261
07. Drivers of Ecosystem Change
[pdf, 1327 KB]
08. Condition and Trends [pdf,
1181 KB]
09. Responses [pdf, 472 KB]
10. Scenarios [pdf, 2310 KB]
11. Community Assessments [pdf,
451 KB]
12. Reflections and Lessons Learned
[pdf, 158 KB]
Appendices [pdf, 7571 KB]
Sub-Global Working Group
The MA Sub-Global Working Group, comprised of all the MA
sub-global assessments, produced a sub-global assessment.
This report is both a synthesis of the findings of the
various sub-global assessments and a resource on the lessons
learned through the process on multiscale assessment
methodologies, cross-scale interactions, and the
incorporation of traditional and local knowledge into a
scientific assessment process.
- Cristian Samper
- Doris Capistrano
Technical Support
- Ciara Raudsepp-Hearne
WorldFish Center
Penang, Malaysia
- Marcus Lee
WorldFish Center
Penang, Malaysia