Designing Sub-Global Assessments
Sunday, November 05, 2000
With support from the Government of Norway and Rockefeller Foundation, work has been underway since October 2000 to select and design the sub-global components of the MA process. A call for proposals was distributed widely in September 2000. The Sub-Global Assessment Working Group met on November 2-3 in Washington, DC to design a process to select and plan the sub-global assessments. The final report from that meeting is now available and will be posted on this website. The MA Board has approved the selection of Southern Africa and Southeast Asia as two of the "focal regions" for the sub-global component of the MA process. In addition, seed funding will be available to help initiate assessments in both Europe and Central America. The response to the initial call for proposals far exceeded expectations. While the MA will not be able to directly support many of the proposed assessment activities, opportunities will exist for other assessments to become partners in the MA process.